Microsorum pteropus “Trident”

Microsorum pteropus or Java fern is from Asia. Microsorum pteropus ‘Trident’ is a narrow-leaved, smaller form of Microsorum, which like other Microsorum is an easy and safe plant. ’Trident’ is both suitable for beginners, as well as the experienced scaper, and fits both smaller and larger aquariums.
The name ’Trident’ tells that the plant leafs are tripartite, while the leaves can vary from whole to multipartite. Suitable for planting on stones or tree roots. When planted on the bottom layer, avoid covering the horizontal stalk. New, small plants are often created on the leaf tips, and can carefully be pulled off and planted.

Plant info
Type: Rhizomatous
Origin: Cultivar
Growth rate: Slow
Height: 15 – 20+
Light demand: Low
CO2 : Low

Anubias barteri var.nana ´Gold´

This is another variety of the Dwarf Spear Leaf called ‘Gold’. It was discovered in cultivation at a nursery in Taiwan. After the initial isolation period it took several years to establish a stable stock. With leaves ranging in color from light green to yellow-gold, it is significantly different from the other, darker green types of Anubias. The lighting should not be too weak, as this makes the leaves turn darker.

Origin: Cultivar
Light: medium
Temperature: 22-28°C
Growth rate: very slow
Area: Foreground
Height: up to 8 cm
pH: 5-9
Water hardness: very soft to hard
Co2: 0-10 mg/l
Propagation: rhizome cuttings

Anubias barteri var.nana ´Pinto´

The Pinto´Anubias is a quirk of nature that has been propagated from a normal green population using selection. The light green variegation can be more or less pronounced, so only the most beautiful plants are propagated further in the production plant. This variety is very slow-growing and requires more light than the original green form. Due to its small size, the ‘Pinto‘ makes an attractive addition to Nano Cubes and can be used as „eye-catcher“ in aquascaping. This new plant creates excellent contrast on black lava rock and on dark colored roots.

Origin: Cultivar
Light: medium
Temperature: 22-28°C
Growth rate: very slow
Area: Foreground
Height: up to 8 cm
pH: 5-9
Water hardness: very soft to hard
Co2: 0-10 mg/l
Propagation: rhizome cuttings

Anubias barteri var. nana ‘Kirin’

The new Anubias ‘Kirin’ is a beautiful cultivated form of the dwarf spear leaf. The name Kirin comes from East Asia and describes a dragon-like mythical creature with one or two horns. The skin of this imaginary animal is covered with scales – perhaps a reference to the strongly curled leaf edges. Like all Anubias, this novelty is undemanding in care and particularly hardy. Mounted on stones or roots, the variety ‘Kirin’ is a new highlight for every plant lover!

Origin: Cultivar
Light: medium- little
Temperature: 22 -28°C
Growth rate: very slow
Area: Foreground
Height: 5 – 8 cm
pH: 5-8
Water hardness: very soft to very hard
Co2: 0 – 10mg/L
Propagation: division of the rhizome

Cryptocoryne lucens

Denna art är en relativt liten Cryptocoryne-art och den blir sällan högre än 10-15 cm och därför passar den ofta bra i akvariets förgrund. I likhet med andra arter i släktet kräver den en tillvänjningsperiod innan den på allvar börjar växa. Den växer relativt långsamt i de flesta vatten. Ett näringsrikt bottenmaterial är en klar fördel för artens välbefinnande.
Plötsliga förändringar av ljus eller vattenvärden skall undvikas eftersom då bladen lätt kan ruttna. Den skall inte heller flyttas runt i akvariet. Ett lämpligt akvarium bör ha någorlunda cirkulation. Bladen kan bli upp till 12 cm långa och är mellan 0,6 till 2,5 cm breda. Om den skulle drabbas av den s.k. Cryptocoryne-sjukan så skall man inte slänga den eftersom den efter några veckor bildar nya skott. Förökning sker genom tämligen talrika avläggare. Man bör plantera den i en liten grupp.
Sannolikt är arten en odlingsvariant av C. willisii.