Hygrophila costata

This plant originates from South America and stems become 25-60 cm long with 10 cm long leaves. Under water Hygrophila costata has relatively narrow leaves which are grouped close together. Plants sold in the shops are normally cultivated above water, and have rounder leaves with larger gaps between them.
Hygrophila costata was called Hygrophila corymbosa ‘Angustifolia’ until recently.

Plant info
Type: Stem
Origin: South America
Growth rate:
Height: 20 – 30+
Light demand: Medium
CO2 :

Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Tropica’

This beautiful variety with the dark, hammered leaves is named after ‘Tropica’. When grown in an open space the leaves will virtually lie on the bottom. It is suitable for small aquariums with leaves from 10-20 cm, and a rosette from 10-20 cm wide. Like most other Sri Lanka Cryptocorynes, it also grows well in hard water.

Plant info
Type: Rosulate
Origin: Asia
Growth rate: Medium
Height: 10 – 20+
Light demand:
CO2 :